
Ophthalmology Clinic

Ophthamologist Guadalajara

At Ophthalmic Clinic Laser Choza we care about one of the most wonderful gifts of life, the gift of sight. Our philosophy, since we initiated over 30 years ago is to look after our patients. With the help of state-of-the-art equipment and certified eye doctors who are in constant preparation to take care of your visual health and provide you with the best possible service available. That’s why we are very proud of the prestige bestowed upon us in our city of Guadalajara and all of Mexico.

Visit us and recover the quality of life through a healthy eye sight and see why our Ophthalmologists in Guadalajara Mexico are the best possible choice.


Ophthalmology Clinic Guadalajara Mexico

Refractive problems
Refering to the way light is deflected by the eye. The factors that influence how the eye refracts the rays of light are the curvature of the cornea, the state of the lens and the eye. The following which are treated with Lasik are:


If you can see nearby objects well but have difficulty seeing objects at a distance, then you have myopia. This occurs when the curvature of the cornea is too close for the eye's length and causes the image to focus in front of the retina creating a blurred image.


If you see objects better than remote ones,  you may suffer from Hyperopia. It occurs when the eye is functionally short or the curvature of the cornea is too flat.


If can't see images clearly or have any degree of distortion,  your problem may be Astigmatism. People with Astigmatism  see images distored due to the unequal curvature of the cornea.

Lasik treatment

Laser surgery is used once a medical evaluation is performed and we pinpoint the problem with the required measurements.  Our laser is state of the art and allows us to correct the cornea in seconds; furthermore, this is done painlessly and safely without discomfort.  Within 24 hours of the procedure your back to your regular activities.

Candidate profile

Over 18 years of age
Vision in myopia up to 14.00 diopters or hyperopia up to +6.00 diopters, with or without astigmatism.
Have kept a stable vision for past full year.
Be free of certain diseases of the cornea, lens and retina.
Not  pregnant or nursing.

The results

You will stop wearing glasses and also drive, read and see clearly

No Longer Use Reading Glasses

•    Presbyopia
It's when the lens or natural lens of the eye loses flexibility because of age.


  • People over 40 who wear reading glasses.
  • With stable vision in the past full year.
  • Free of serious or chronic diseases in the eye.
  • Not pregnant or nursing.

Diabetic Eye

It is caused by the alteration of the blood vessels that irrigate the retina of the fundus. Due to the high levels of sugar, the vessels of the retina become "covered" and lose fluid and blood that goes to the retina causing: "exudates", "hemorrhages" and "retinal edema".

The diseases that they generate are:

•    Diabetic retinopathy
The patient sees some spots and his vision is not clear.

•    Macular degeneration
It's when this exudative liquid is deposited in the central area of the retina (Macula) and causes blurred vision.

•    Reduction of the Retina:

It's when it is displaced from its normal position and vision is blurred with shadow.


With the Argon Laser the problem of diabetic retinopathy is corrected, a powerful beam of light seals the affected blood vessels of the retina, preventing the progression of the disease to affect the macula or detach the retina which can lead to blindness; other cases may require surgery or intravitreal medications.

Candidate profile:

Blurred vision or even total sight loss. Have Diabetes


Our eye has a transparent or "crystalline" lens, which is located behind our pupils. When the vision becomes blurred, an opacity is formed in the lens that we call "cataract". With an ultrasound probe we fractionate the lens, aspirate the cataract and implant an intraocular lens. The operation lasts 10 minutes, without discomfort for the patient, it is ambulatory and in 2 or 3 days you can returned to normal activity.


Glaucoma is an increase in intraocular pressure that causes damage to the optic nerve which results in the progressive loss of peripheral vision. With laser treatment we facilitate the outlet of the ocular fluid, which reduces the pressure.

Candidate Profile:

Headaches, decreased lateral vision, halos around lights and family history with this condition.

Laser Choza

Ophthalmologists in Mexico

Established 30 years ago in Guadalajara and still going strong
Schedule Appointment
I recommend an ophthalmic laser clinic, especially to its director, Dr. Laura Choza Romero, for her excellent professional quality and generous treatment. I operate on myopia in both eyes and I am very well and happy, I highly recommend it.

Lucia R

On April 26, 2013 my wife Lorena M. was operated, with excellent results immediately. God take care and bless Dr. Laura Choza.

Daniel S.

My daughter was operated by Dr. Laura Choza, apart from her good treatment, extremely humanitarian.

Mario Castillas Zavala.


Gulf of Cortes 2980
North Vallarta
Guadalajara, Jalisco, ZIP 44690

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