Treatment for Glaucoma

Treatments for Glaucoma

Treatment for Glaucoma
It's a group of eye disorders that can cause damage to the optic nerve. This nerve sends the images you see to the brain.
In most cases, damage to the optic nerve is caused by increased pressure in the eye. This is called intraocular pressure.


There are four main types of glaucoma:
• Open-angle glaucoma
• Closed angle glaucoma, also called
  Angular closure glaucoma
• Congenital glaucoma
• Secondary glaucoma
tratamiento para glaucoma
The front of the eye is filled with a clear liquid called aqueous humor. This liquid is produced in an area behind the colored part of the eye (the iris). This liquid leaves the eye through channels where you will go and the cornea are. This area is called the angle of the anterior chamber or simply the annulus. The cornea is the transparent cover on the front of the eye that covers the iris, pupil and angle.

Any factor that slows or blocks the flow of this fluid will cause pressure buildup in the eye.
In open-angle glaucoma, the increase in pressure is often small and slow.
In angle-closure glaucoma, the increase is often high and sudden. Either of the two types could damage the optic nerve. Open-angle glaucoma is the most common type of glaucoma.

The cause is unknown. An increase in eye pressure occurs slowly over time. You can not feel it. The increase in pressure pushes on the optic nerve. The damage to this nerve causes blindness in your vision.
Open-angle glaucoma tends to be hereditary. The risk is greater if you have a father or grandparent with this type of glaucoma. People of African descent also have a higher risk of suffering from this disease.

Closed angle glaucoma occurs when the fluid suddenly becomes blocked and can not leave the eye. This causes a rapid and intense rise in pressure within the eye.

Drops to dilate the eyes, as well as certain medications can trigger an acute attack of glaucoma.
Closed angle glaucoma is an emergency situation. If you have had acute glaucoma in one eye, you are at risk for glaucoma in the second eye. It is likely that your health care provider treated your second eye to prevent a first attack on that eye.

Secondary glaucoma occurs due to a known cause. Both open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma can be secondary when caused by something known.

The causes include:

  • Drugs such as corticosteroids
  • Eye diseases such as uveitis (an infection of the middle layer of the eye).
  • Diseases like diabetes
  • Eye injury
  • Congenital glaucoma occurs in babies
  • It is often hereditary
  • Is present at birth
  • It occurs when the eye develops normally

Symptoms of congenital glaucoma

In most cases the symptoms are noticed when the child is a few months old:

• Opacity in the front of the eye
• Enlargement of one or both eyes
• Redness of the eyes
• Sensitivity to light
• Lachrymation
• Secondary glaucoma symptoms

Symptoms are almost always related to the underlying problem that causes glaucoma. Depending on the cause, the symptoms may be like open-angle or closed-angle glaucoma.

Medicine for Glaucoma Guadalajara Mexico

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